All About Mindy
Mindy Cantrell is a women’s ministry leader and devotional writer with a deep passion for leading women to, and through God’s healing grace. This deep passion, which she calls “the heartbeat of my life,” began when she was sixteen years old, a runaway, and living on the streets. Befriended by a halfway house doctor, Mindy was encouraged to lay down her drug habit and take stock of her life. Through the compassionate kindness of this doctor, Mindy’s heart was changed forever, birthing the passion to pay this kindness forward. Though Mindy wandered through many more years of heartache, at age 30, it all caught up with her. In her desperation, she finally reached out – and found peace. In that peace, she met and married her husband, Bill. Two months later, still celebrating her new marriage, Mindy lost her beautiful nine-year-old son in a tragic school bus accident.
It is the truth and healing in the life-giving peace Mindy found, and the hope filled, deep faith forged through her grief journey, that she passionately shares today, in her writing and in her speaking.
Mindy resides in Texas, with husband, Bill, and cat, Ramjet, a native kitty they adopted while living and working in the Marshall Islands. Mindy travels frequently to North Carolina to visit the other loves of her life—daughter, Tiffany, son-in-law, Chris, and granddaughter, Maddux-Grace, aka, Maddie 💓
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