Aaahhhh! This verse speaks to my heart so deeply! What does it say to you?

Why do these words speak so profoundly to me? Because they sear my heart with forever love and acceptance. I searched for acceptance for so long. I deeply longed to feel truly loved and wanted, by someone. Friend, tell me, have you longed for this too?
I just wanted to feel beautiful and worthy of loving - just as I am - with all my crookedness and flaws. Don't we all want this? I tried so many remedies, some satisfying for a short time, but nothing fully took the longing away.
Then He came along! My Jesus. My God. He cleaned me up! He washed me in His love. He saved me with His healing. He made me beautiful. And loved. And wanted for all time! Oh, dear Friend, doesn't that just sound breathtaking to you? Aaahhhh!
I searched for so long. And then I found Him. He is everything I need and more. Earthly love is great, and we need it, but it cannot take the place of the mighty, powerful, unconditional love of our Creator. This love soothes our souls. When God created us, he placed a need within our souls to connect with Him. Until we do, we have an empty place within us that searches. When we find Him, and love Him, and let Him love us, this empty place is filled up and the searching is satisfied - forever.
Dear Friend, are you still searching? Keep going, and look for Him. You will find Him - I promise! If I could find Him, you can too! He will save you, love you, and hold on to you, every moment of every day, and never let you go. You can count on that!
And then you too will have the joy of saying, "he is mine FOREVER!"
Pray with me now:
Dear God,
Thank you for creating me. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for wanting a real relationship with me. I long to feel loved and wanted, just as I am, forever. Please help me believe you are what I need, and that you are enough. Help me love and trust you and have a real relationship with you as you fill my heart with your love.
Thank you, God, I love you,
Did you pray that prayer? If you did, I'd sure love to celebrate with you! Leave me a comment below, or contact me personally and I will answer! Or can I get a witness? 🙌 If God has filled your heart full, please share with us in the comments so we can give a hallelujah!
Love and blessings,
Mindy 💗