Hold On Tight
by Mindy Cantrell
Through Christ you have come to trust in God . And you have placed your faith and hope in God because he raised Christ from the dead and gave him great glory .
1 Peter 1:21 (NLT)
"Hold on, Mindy,¬ just hold on,” my good friend Cheryl said to me.
With frustrated tears stinging my weary eyes, I retorted, “Ugh! If I hear that phrase one more time, I’m going to scream! Hold on to what?” My car was broken down, and I had no way to get to work. My young daughter was sick, and I had no way to get her to the doctor. There was no one to care for Tiffany while she was sick and no money left to pay for any of it.
Looking back at that difficult time, I can see God’s hand at work. I sure couldn’t then. The great wall of trials in my life had separated me from the shaky trust I thought I had in God’s plan. But, oh dear reader, God did have a plan.
In my despair that day, Cheryl asked God to show up in a mighty way. And show up he did. First, Cheryl drove us to urgent care, where I was allowed to charge the bill. Next, after speaking with my mom, it turned out she’d kept her old car when she up-graded, and she gave me the old one. And then, unbelievably, I was able to sell my broken car back to the used car dealer for what I owed on it. With no upcoming car payment, I could pay Tiffany’s medical bills. God proved faithful.
When we seek God with all our hearts, we will find him, and he will help us. After I quieted my struggling and reached for him, he was there. He soothed my anxiety and replaced my debt with hope and a better way for my future. Through this experience, God drew me closer and transformed my shaky trust into firm faith.
Our God, from the very beginning, proved his love and provided hope for us by the promise of Jesus’s resurrection from the empty tomb. And through Jesus, he raises us up from broken dreams and empty faith and allows us to cling to him as he bathes us with hope and peace. All we must do is seek him with all our hearts and hold on tight while he works things out for good. Will you quiet your struggle and seek God today?
Dear God, thank you for your faithful promises that soothe my anxiety and give me hope. When I am weak and overwhelmed, please draw me close and help me hold tightly to you. Fill me with your peace as I trust that you have a plan and will work it out for me. Please help my faith and hope in you grow strong and sure.
Published in the WordGirls Collective, Snapshots of Hope & Heart.
I pray that God will draw you close and help you hold tightly to him, supplying you with his life-giving hope.

Blessings, love, & hope,
Mindy 🩷