I heard muffled voices somewhere in the distance. “Mindy, open your eyes.” Seeing only gray shadows behind my eyelids, I struggled to get my eyes open. Then the voices again, “Mindy, come on, open your eyes. Wake up, you’re in recovery.”
“What?” I wondered. Who were these voices and what were they talking about? Finally, I persuaded my eyes to open. As my vision cleared, I saw several bodies standing around my bed. My brain felt fuzzy, and for a moment I couldn’t comprehend where I was.
Dr Chips Ahoy (Dr Hoye), standing near my head, said something like, “You’re awake, good, you did fine!” In a rush, it all came back. I was in the hospital and had surgery. And - oh! Dr Hoye had put a breathing tube in my throat, and I was afraid! A wave of relief washed over me - I survived the breathing tube! I looked at Dr Chips Ahoy and groggily exclaimed, “Oh, yay!” He grinned, said his goodbyes, and left for his next surgery.
Dr Snow, standing at the foot of my bed said, “Your surgery went well, Mindy.” My eyes focused on him as I asked for details. What I remember of his answer is that we’d go over all of it at my follow-up office visit. I sleepily thanked him, and he dashed off to his next surgery, which I think I had made him late for.
As the Recovery nurses checked my monitors, I asked what time it was and how long I’d been in recovery. Their answers told me that surgery had taken just under two and a half hours, and I’d been in recovery for about forty-five minutes. Apparently, I had been enjoying the anesthesia and the dreamy chocolate chip cookies a little longer than necessary!
One of the kind nurses asked if I could drink a little water or ginger ale now. I chose ginger ale, and after a few sips, I realized my throat was parched and sore from the breathing tube. The ginger ale felt wonderful. Once I drank some and held it down, they transferred me to a wheelchair and wheeled me over to Recovery Part 2. What a woozy, but short ride this was, with my still partially anesthetized brain! Together, with the in-charge nurse, Dakota, they helped me into a heavenly recliner with a nice, warm blanket, and though it was now afternoon, I finally got my morning coffee! Hallelujah!

I tried to nibble a graham cracker, but my mouth and throat were so dry, the cracker wadded up like a lump of cardboard in my mouth. Kind Dakota gave me some water which dissolved that lump of cardboard nicely.
After thoroughly enjoying the coffee, my head felt much clearer. During the next hour, Nurse Dakota checked on me regularly, and asked if I thought I was ready to go home. I enthusiastically said yes! She checked my vitals, took out my IV, and wrapped my wrist in pretty pink (my fave color!) bandage wrap. 😍
With my husband's help, Nurse Dakota transferred me to the wheelchair and wheeled me to the restroom. Have you ever tried to “go” with your husband and a stranger standing right in front of you, watching, so you don’t fall? Pretty funny 😆 It got even more comical when I lost my balance and the huge hip brace twisted and flopped down my body and leg, almost falling off. That, together with my anesthesia-influenced, off-the-wall comments, made it a humorous bathroom experience indeed! Once back in my recovery room, Nurse Dakota sent a message to Dr Snow for help with the hip brace, which kept sliding down my side. Thankfully, Dr Snow was able to return briefly and demonstrate how to wrap and fasten the brace. Now I could prepare to go home!
Nurse Dakota gave me a pain pill to help with the long drive home and it was finally time to get dressed. But, oh, Goodness - my yoga pants would not fit over the surgical bandaging and that huge hip brace! To clarify, this brace had a large wrap that velcroed around my waist, with a metal bar and gears attached that went down the outside of my hip and thigh, attached to another velcroed wrap that wound around my leg, just above my knee. In my mind, I could hear my Dad exclaim, "Confounding contraption!"
Well, What to do now? Not to worry, my ever-resourceful Nurse Dakota got another (lovely) hospital gown, wrapped it around the back of me, tying it to the hospital gown I already had on, and into the wheelchair I went, wrapped in a nice, warm blanket. This time, we headed for the hospital entrance and our car! After eight hours, I was going home 😄

My whole experience at Methodist McKinney Hospital was terrific. Veronica in Pre-Op and Nurse Dakota in Recovery Part 2 (I don’t remember much of Part 1) went above and beyond to relieve my fears and make me comfortable. Everyone seemed so nice and willing to help. I was glad I chose this facility for my surgery.
As we headed home, I was feeling pretty woozy again from all the anesthesia and pain meds, but I was going to hang in there! My wonderful hubby drove through Chick-fil-A and picked me up a frosted diet lemonade to soothe my increasingly sore throat, and a grilled chicken wrap for later. What a sweetheart! Thank you, Honey ❤️

Upon arriving home and getting settled in my recliner, I’m feeling pretty out of it, and so relieved the surgery is over and done!! However, my special, "I Love You Mom" throw from my sweetest daughter, Tiffany, makes it all better. Now I begin the lengthy recovery process. I'll be on crutches and in the hip brace 4-6 weeks, and 3-4 months of daily physical therapy. Oh boy!
The most amazing thing I realize is that I have NO HIP PAIN right now, for the first time in seemingly two years! Woohoo! Thank you, Lord 💜
Dear Lord,
Thank you so much for carrying me through my surgery and recovery safely. Thank you for my doctors and the wonderful staff at McKinney Hospital who took great care of me. Please be with me now and help me heal quickly and properly.
Please be with my readers who are facing surgery and/or hard times. Please surround them with your presence, bringing them peace, healing, and relief. May our words encourage them in some way. Lord, you are everything we need. I love you so much.
Stay tuned for Journal Entry Six - Night One and the Ladies Room!
Love and blessings,
Mindy 💗
Listen to this song on repeat!
Watch the video and celebrate with them - so fun! Let the words and experience touch you deep down in your soul 💜
As always, please leave me a comment below, or a contact message as I would love to pray for you, and try to answer any questions you have. 💓
Mindy, a Frosted Diet Lemonade from Chik-fil-a is always good. Michelle 💕