Aaahhh! How I love that Scripture!
Isn’t it just packed with newness and joy and fragrant, happy sound? Oh, my Goodness! Yippee Yahoo! The winter is past! Happy Dance! Praise the Lord! Come on along, sing and dance and celebrate with me 🎶 🙌 🎉
Now, as we slow down and catch our breath, you know what I love best about these verses? They remind me how much God loves me, and you. I mean, Goodness, according to these Words, what beautiful creations our Heavenly Father has made for us to enjoy! Right?
I have to say, though, it is hard to imagine all that beauty right now here in central Texas. In March, everything is dull, winter, brown! But when I read these verses, wow! Am I ever reminded that God’s fresh, new, Spring creations are just around the corner! Yes, even under all that Spring snow you just received! Can’t you just smell those blossoming vines 😁
On a more serious note, though, these beautiful Words also remind me of his perfect plans for fresh renewal in our lives. In our life’s winter times, our joy can sure be covered over by a blanket of hard circumstances, right? And then we find ourselves in sore need of fresh, new grace. Or of outright rescue! Yes, I hear you. How many times have I cried out to God for rescue? A lot!
So, what do we do? How do we find that fresh, new grace – or even rescue?
First, Beloved of God, know that God sees you. He hears you. And he already has a plan for you. For anything and everything you need. All you must do is ask Him, and then let Him help you. If you haven’t already, talk to Him. Tell him what’s going on and ask Him for help.
I learned through my hard times, that when I just cling to his Words and Promises, and stay close to him in prayer, He is faithful to Renew my spirit, give me Peace and deliver me from whatever pain or problem I am enduring. His Grace finds me, every time. He will send His Grace and deliver you too. *It may not be in the time frame we want, but it’s always in the time frame of His perfect plan. There is always Hope. Know that he will rescue you.
Clinging = Renewal
Staying = Peace
Delivering = Grace
Rescue = Hope
For I am the Lord your God
who takes hold of your right hand
and says to you, Do not fear;
I will help you.
Isaiah 41:13
Here is a beautiful song by Lauren Daigle, called Rescue. Put it on repeat and fill your soul. It says it all.
I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.
Isaiah 46:4
Do you need a refreshing, or even an outright rescue, dear friend? Pray with me now:
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you so much for being God and thank you for being here for me. Thank you for your Words that tell me you will sustain me and rescue me. Because I need help. I’m tired and I don’t know how to recover. I need your refreshing. Will you please cover me with your love and grace? Will you please help me cling to you and stay close to you so that I can see and know your rescue when you send it? I love you God. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayers.
As always, I'd love for you to leave a comment below, or contact me if you’d like further information, or to discuss this further.
Love and blessings always,
Mindy 💗