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Worship Tools

I don't know about you, but my days seem to run more smoothly when I make time for connection with my Heavenly Father. Whether through prayer, Bible study, singing, or another way, our worship time is precious and wonderfully fulfilling. Here are some tools to help enrich your worship time. Click on each picture for more information about that tool.  💗

Psalm 139

In a time of crisis, a few God-centered people introduced me to Psalm 139. This Chapter's beautiful message is one of a great and loving God, who, having searched us thoroughly, knows everything  - our joys and sorrows, our victories and losses, our loves and hurts, our goodness and our mistakes, our desires and intentions – everything about us! Yet he stays with us wherever we go, protecting us, loving us unconditionally. What a beautiful Love Letter from God!

Bible Studies

Here you will find Bible Study books and compilations that I have read and/or led ladies’ groups through and highly recommend. I don’t receive any compensation for listing these, however, I have become a strong believer in the power of studying who God is and drawing closer to him. Our lives are far richer, calmer, and more peaceful when we love him and are more in tune with him and his ways. His hope and grace are everything!

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Here you will find 2 of my favorite YouTube playlists:

• Worship & Praise – beautiful, uplifting songs that lead your heart into praise and worship of our great God! Some are slower and worshipful, and some are more upbeat with lots of praise!
• Celebration Music – fun, inspiring, and upbeat songs that celebrate our God, our relationship with God, and all things with God! Gear your heart up and celebrate!


Welcome to my GiveAways page!

I love sharing things I really like, so here is where I get to do that – yay! Typically, this will be downloadable/printable files for things such as bookmarks, Scripture pages, sticker pages, journal pages, etc. I will add new GiveAway items as I find/create them. Have fun!

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©2023 by Mindy Cantrell

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